Prevención de Accidentes en Obras de Construcción

La industria de la construcción es de los sectores que más impacto genera en la economía y la infraestructura en general. Sin embargo, también es de los sectores que tienen mayores riesgos de accidentes. Es muy importante prevenir los accidentes en la construcción no solo para que los trabajadores estén seguros, sino también para que […]
Construction Accidents in New York City: Types, Causes, and Statistics

When you are involved in construction accidents in New York City, it can lead to devastating injuries and even construction fatalities. Construction workers die every year in these accidents, and construction accident lawsuits in New York may be vital for your recovery. The team at Jesse Minc Personal Injury Law is here to provide the […]
Responsabilidad de los subcontratistas lesionados

¿Quién es responsable de los subcontratistas lesionados en el lugar de trabajo? Puede ser que la respuesta no siempre sea clara. Si usted es un trabajador de construcción lesionado, empleado por un contratista general y sufrió lesiones y pérdida de salario debido a un accidente en el sitio de construcción, es posible que tenga motivos […]
Liability for Injured Subcontractors: Can A Subcontractor Sue the Contractor for Injury?

Who is liable for injured subcontractors? The answer may not always be clear. If you are an injured construction worker employed by a general contractor and you suffered injuries and lost wages due to a construction site accident, you may have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. Injured workers are generally entitled to compensation for […]
How Many Construction Workers Die Each Year?

Among all the occupations out there, construction jobs pose the greatest danger. Every year, thousands of construction workers die as a result of injuries sustained on the job. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 4,764 construction workers died in 2020 while performing job-related tasks. These deaths have left families in a state […]
I’ve Fallen From a Scaffold on a Construction Site in New York. Can I Collect Compensation for My Injuries?

The answer to this question, like most everything in the context of a personal injury lawsuit, is that “it depends”. On the bright side, the laws of New York State relating to construction accidents have been written in a manner that is very protective of workers on job sites, and especially so as to workers […]
Expert Witnesses: Why Do You Need Them for Your Accident Case?

Under New York law, the vast majority of witnesses are not permitted to give opinions as to various key aspects of a personal injury case. For example, in a construction injury case involving a fall from a scaffold, the plaintiff who fell may, in the vast majority of cases, only testify as to his or […]