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Failure to Diagnose Heart Attack
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Medical Malpractice Lawyers Helping Patients Throughout New York City
Jesse Minc Personal Injury Law is a personal injury law firm whose attorneys represent people injured by a wide range of health care mistakes and medical malpractice. These include a failure to diagnose a heart attack or infarction, a serious medical mistake that can have lasting and sometimes fatal consequences. We understand how difficult it can be when a medical professional to whom you have entrusted your health makes such a costly misstep. Whether it is your primary care doctor, a specialist, or a team of physicians in a hospital emergency room who fails to diagnose that you are experiencing a heart attack, our team of medical malpractice attorneys are standing by to help you if you are injured due to a failure to diagnose a heart attack. Our Bronx misdiagnosis lawyers work aggressively to get clients the full compensation available to them under the law and to ensure that those responsible are made fully accountable.
Treating Heart Attacks
A heart attack – or myocardial infarction, as it is known in health care circles – is a medical emergency that happens when some sort of blockage stops the flow of blood to the heart. The stoppage of blood flow kills tissues, resulting in heart damage and even death in some circumstances. There are a number of symptoms that are considered signs of a possible heart attack, such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, cold sweats, nausea, lightheadedness, and rapid or irregular heartbeats. In some cases, however, a person may suffer a heart attack while experiencing few or none of those symptoms.
It is vital that a person suffering a heart attack seek immediate attention. The sooner that you see a doctor, the more likely it is that medical professionals can limit the damage to your heart. Unfortunately, doctors and emergency medical staff may not immediately understand that you are having a heart attack. A failure to properly diagnose a patient right away can significantly worsen the impact of a heart attack. Often, medical malpractice cases relating to failure to diagnose heart attacks are successful because physicians and hospital staff ignore, or misinterpret, complaints, test results and other symptoms that indicate that a patient is having a heart attack. This is why it is of critical importance that, every time you visit a doctor or a hospital, especially if you suspect that you may be having a heart attack, that you clearly express your symptoms and complaints and make sure that the medical providers document your complaints in your hospital records.
Legal Remedies for a Failure to Diagnose a Heart Attack
If you or a loved one has been a victim of a failure to diagnose a heart attack or another condition, such as cancer, in the Bronx or the surrounding areas, you have the right to seek compensation from those responsible. That often includes money damages for medical bills, missed wages, reduced earning capacity, and pain, suffering, and emotional distress. In a case in which a person dies as a result of a misdiagnosis, his or her loved ones have the right to seek similar compensation for this wrongful death.
To get that compensation, your attorney will need to prove the elements of medical malpractice. Doctors and other health care professionals are required by law to live up to a certain “standard of care” that varies based on the circumstances. If they fail to meet that standard, they are likely to be liable for any injuries that result.
In failure to diagnose cases, you would need to show that a reasonable medical professional in the same situation would have properly diagnosed the heart attack sooner, and that your injuries would not have occurred, or would have been less severe, had a proper and timely diagnosis been made. That usually means presenting expert testimony and other medical evidence showing what would have been expected under the circumstances. You also will need to present detailed evidence showing how the failure to diagnose directly caused you to be adversely affected. A seasoned medical malpractice attorney can help you gather the necessary evidence and present it in a clear and compelling way.
Talk to a Bronx Attorney Regarding a Cardiology Malpractice Case Today
At Jesse Minc Personal Injury Law, we have a strong record of success for the people whom we represent in medical malpractice and other personal injury cases. That emerges most clearly from a more than 95 percent win rate at trial and the negotiating table. We carefully select the cases that we take in order to ensure that we can provide the personalized attention to each and every case that our clients deserve. Clients have direct access to our lawyers instead of being shifted to paralegals. We serve people throughout the Greater New York City area, including in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester Counties. We do not charge a fee in cases involving a failure to diagnose a heart attack, a stroke, or another medical condition unless we are successful. Call us at (718) 354-8000 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation. Se habla espanol.
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