Settlement for a Manhattan woman who suffered vision loss in one eye due to a botched plastic surgery after defeating summary judgment in the Supreme Court and the Appellate Division.
Settlement for a Bronx man who suffered lumbar spinal injuries in a low-impact rear-end accident.
Settlement for a Bronx union ironworker who broke his wrist after tripping over debris at a construction site (settled before defense depositions were ever conducted) where the plaintiff returned to work full time five months after the accident and suffered minimal lost earnings and relatively little permanency.
Settlement for an Orange County woman who suffered a ureter injury during surgery by a reputable surgeon.
Pain and suffering settlement for a Bronx gym patron who slipped and fell on mop water, breaking his wrist.
Settlement for a Brooklyn man who tripped and fell on a broken sidewalk and suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon requiring multiple surgeries.
Settlement for a Bronx woman who suffered lumbar spinal injuries in a low-impact rear-end collision.
For a construction workers who suffered lumbar spinal injuries as a result of a falling crate, despite the fact that the worker did not complain of back pain for four weeks after the accident and had minimal lost earnings.
Settlement for a woman whose ear was severely burned and disfigured and who suffered post-traumatic stress disorder and depression as a result of the improper use of surgical equipment during a surgery to remove a benign cholesteatoma from hermiddle ear.
For a Bronx man injured by a collapsing ceiling who suffered lower back injuries despite significant pre-existing back conditions including prior major back surgery for which he was already receiving Social Security Disability and undergoing active medical care at the time of the accident.